The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Psychiatric Disorders Among Youths in A Borstal Institution in Nigeria

  • Yussuf AD University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  • Ajiboye PO University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  • Issa BA University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.
  • Buhari, OIN University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, PMB 1459, Ilorin Nigeria


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Author Biographies

Yussuf AD, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.

MB,BS, FMCPsych., Cert. HP&Mgt., Department of Behavioural Sciences, College of Health Sciences,

Ajiboye PO, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.

MB,BS, FWACP, Department of Behavioural Sciences, College of Health Sciences

Issa BA, University of Ilorin, PMB 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria.

MB,BS, FWACP, MPH, Cert. H Inf., Department of Behavioural Sciences, College of Health Sciences,

Buhari, OIN, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, PMB 1459, Ilorin Nigeria

MB,BS, FWACP, Department of Behavioural Sciences

How to Cite
AD Y, PO A, BA I, OIN B. The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Psychiatric Disorders Among Youths in A Borstal Institution in Nigeria. J Pak Psychiatr Soc [Internet]. 2011Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.13];8(01):22-8. Available from: