Treating Depression in an Adolescent with Intellectual Disability

  • Paula Marie Smith Albert J. Solnit Children's Center, CT, USA
  • Bhagya Reddy Yale University School of Medicine, CT, USA
  • Muhammad Waqar Azeem Yale University School of Medicine, CT. USA


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Author Biographies

Paula Marie Smith, Albert J. Solnit Children's Center, CT, USA

Albert J. Solnit Children's Center, CT, USA

Bhagya Reddy, Yale University School of Medicine, CT, USA

AIbert J. Solnit Children’s Center, CT USA, Yale Child Study Center

Muhammad Waqar Azeem, Yale University School of Medicine, CT. USA

AIbert J. Solnit Children’s Center, CT USA, Yale Child Study Center

How to Cite
Smith PM, Reddy B, Azeem MW. Treating Depression in an Adolescent with Intellectual Disability. J Pak Psychiatr Soc [Internet]. 2014Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];11(02):39-1. Available from: