Mode of Insulin, Gender and Education as Determinant of Psychosocial Problems of Patients with Type II Diabetes

  • Shirmeen Ijaz Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Subha Malik Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Amina Muazzum Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Psychosocial problems, type II diabetics, sexual, education, insulin.


Objective: The purpose of the present research is to find out the Mode of Insulin, Gender, and Education as Determinant of Psychosocial Problems of Patients with Type II Diabetes. Study design: Cross-sectional research design was used.

Place and duration of study: Data was collected from Jinnah hospital and diabetic institutes of Lahore from 2015-2017. 

Methodology: Sample consist of 395 participants with an age range of 30-60 years (M=47.19, SD=8.76). Purposive sampling technique was used. Only married patients with type II diabetes were included in the study and patients with type 1 and gestational diabetes were excluded from the study. To gather information about Mode of Insulin, Gender and Education, demographic sheet was used. Social, Sexual life satisfaction and Psychological subscales of psychosocial problems scale for type II diabetes (PPSTD) was used for data collection.1 Collected data was analyzed through ANOVA.

Results: Results indicates that there is a significant gender difference in the psychological problems (p = .004) and sexual life satisfaction (p =.005) of patients having type II diabetes but no significant difference was found with reference to social problems. Results also indicates that education has a significant effect on the social (p =.001) and sexual life satisfaction (p =.039) of patients with type II diabetes but no significant effect was found on the psychological problems. Along with this, monthly income also has an effect on the social problems (p =.000) of patients but on the other hand no significant results were found with reference to sexual life satisfaction and psychological problems of the patients. Moreover, mode of insulin effects the sexual life satisfaction (p =.000) and social problems (p=.000) of patients with type II diabetes. Contrary to this no significant effect was found on the social and psychological problems of patients with type II diabetes. Post hoc analysis indicates that less educated patients face more social problems and sexual problems. Similarly, patients use insulin injections or injections along with diabetes pills face more social problems and were less sexually satisfied. 

Conclusion: It was concluded that mode of Insulin, gender and education are the determinant of psychosocial problems among patients with type II diabetes.


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Author Biographies

Shirmeen Ijaz, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan
PhD Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology  
Subha Malik, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology  
Amina Muazzum, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology  
How to Cite
Ijaz S, Malik S, Muazzum A. Mode of Insulin, Gender and Education as Determinant of Psychosocial Problems of Patients with Type II Diabetes. J Pak Psychiatr Soc [Internet]. 2020Oct.5 [cited 2025Feb.23];17(03):14-8. Available from: