• Nasreen Bano Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
  • Salman Shahzad Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
  • Shafaq Ali Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: Self-esteem, multi-dimensional perceived social support, depression; women, chronic illnesses; cardiac; cancer



Chronic illnesses such as, cancer and heart diseases are among those illnesses which are quite prevalent and tax one’s resources to fight with illnesses. Patients with these illnesses have to take the burden of disease both physically and psychologically. Mental health conditions with these illnesses have not been much studied in Pakistan. So, the present study aims to find the predictive association of depression with self-esteem and perceived social support among women with chronic illness (breast cancer and angina).


Cross-sectional study design


Present study was conducted in Karachi, Pakistan from April- July, 2016.


A sample of 102 women diagnosed with breast cancer (51) and Angina (51) with the age ranges between 30-60 years (Mean age = 47.6, SD=10.68), were taken. They were recruited from different hospitals including Sindh Government Hospital, Dar-ul-Sukoon and Dow university Hospital Karachi, Pakistan using purposive sampling technique. Patients’ Health Questionaire-9, Rosenberg Self-Esteem, and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support was administered.


Findings show that self-esteem has contributed to lowering depression in women diagnosed with cardiac illness (Angina) as well as cancer (breast Cancer).Perceived social support has a significant effect on depression in women with cardiac illness (Angina) however it has a non-significant contribution in the reduction of depression in women with cancer (breast cancer).


Chronic illnesses not only bring physical strains but also affect one's psychological health. Long-term treatments and variations in severity demand psychological resources to cope up with these illnesses. Findings of present study can add in literature and further assist health care professionals in considering the psychological cost of these illnesses and to design and implement evidence based treatment intervention, before, during and after the treatment services for women with chronic illnesses.


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How to Cite
Bano N, Shahzad S, Ali S. A CLOSER LOOK AT SELF ESTEEM AND PERCEIVED SOCIAL SUPPORT: THEIR ROLE IN DEPRESSION AMONG WOMEN DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER AND CARDIAC ILLNESS . J Pak Psychiatr Soc [Internet]. 2023Jul.2 [cited 2024Oct.21];20(02). Available from: https://jpps.pk/index.php/journal/article/view/255