• Amra Khan University of Karachi, Pakistan
  • Amena Zehra Ali University of Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: Depression treatment, Flow as intervention, Flow Experience, Intrinsic motivation, Positive Psychology Intervention



Flow experience is an intensely engrossing pleasurable mental experience that comes from being completely absorbed in the activity the person is performing. The present study was conducted to develop flow experience as a supplementary psychological treatment intervention and to examine its efficacy when added to treatment portfolio for depressive symptoms.


A 2x2 longitudinal quasi experimental design was used to test the efficacy of flow experience as intervention.

Place and Duration

 Study was conducted in Karachi and Lahore from March 2018 to December 2019.

Methods and Patients

Participants were recruited in the research on the basis of volunteer sampling from mental health set ups of Karachi and Lahore. Twenty four (24) individuals meeting the sampling criteria consented and completed the research participation. Flow experience intervention was added in two treatment as usual (TAU) groups: TAU 1 where treatment as usual was psychiatric medication and TAU2 where treatment as usual was psychiatric medication and psychotherapy.


Result shows a significant decline (t=12.12, df = 4, p<.05) in depressive symptoms when flow experience activity was added in TAU2 for a duration of four weeks.


The preliminary finding shows flow experience is a promising supplementary intervention for depressive symptoms when used in addition to psychiatric medication and psychotherapy. A more generalizable application of intervention is recommended.


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Author Biographies

Amra Khan, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Department of Psychology

Amena Zehra Ali, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology



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How to Cite
Khan A, Zehra Ali A. INCLUSION OF FLOW EXPERIENCE ACTIVITY IN TREATMENT PORTFOLIO FOR DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS- PRELIMINARY FINDINGS. J Pak Psychiatr Soc [Internet]. 2023Sep.28 [cited 2025Mar.7];20(03):27-2. Available from: